Yes I have been so terribly busy, have not had a chance to keep this up. So here's what's been going on in a nutshell...
After a very long time of depression, I have finally experienced some things that make me truly happy and I have finally moved on from my heartbreak. It took me so long to let go, even though it was already over and done with before I realized it. I will always remember him, love him and hope that he's doing ok, but I will no longer sit around and be depressed wondering why he let us die.
After Met's wedding, my SL pics took off and I got to do some profile pics for some friends, and hope to continue in this business. I enjoy doing it, and it's given me back my interest in graphic art. One of these days I am going to post a slideshow on here if possible. Also, making a few bits of clothes and spiked things, even built a house one night! Will be exploring more into these waters, and hope I can produce something of significance.
I have long been intrigued by the concept of live DJ's in SL. My sis Metallia, one of the best damn DJ's I've ever met, has been my greatest inspiration to give it a try, and she even helped me get everything set up and ready to go.
Thank you sis :) I was given my first shot at a rez day party on 9/24 and it seemed to go well. I was sure to let the owner of Sanctuary Rock know that it went well, and 2 days later she let me do the trial there. I have been hanging out at SR since December '07 and have many friends there and the music is just perfect. I started dancing in January and I think the hosting began in April, and now I'm a DJ there 3 times a week. I love working there, hanging out there and even listening from home if I can't be at the club. It is the best club in SL, we are pretty much going there 24/7. The only time you will go to SR and not find a soul around is if the sim has crashed and you are the first one back!
So I've picked up a few more gigs along the way at different places. A friend of mine owns a cool little place called Underworld Desires... he asked me to come DJ as an emergency, I suggested a neko event so he pretty much trashed the whole place and decided to leave it that way. We love partying in the mess, best part is we don't have to clean up after ourselves! He's asked me to come DJ and bring friends pretty much whenever, so we've spent many nights there goofing off and having some nice dirty fun. We just had a party there on 10/11 for my rez day (it's officially today... I am one year old now) and was tons of fun. We managed to pack in 26 ppl in the small space, laggged out to hell but fuck it was fun! Ryun and I were on the stream for nearly 6 hours.
Ryun and I were contacted by a sim owner who asked us to hold a few events during the week at her club, Carpathia, that she was getting ready to open. I was on air last night for the grand opening and damn we have fun! A lot more people than we expected for the first night and the owner gave out $10,000L in prizes for the events. I was very happy to be there on the first night and my baby Ryun was there by my side the whole time with made me even happier.
We will be having a big Halloween bash on 10/31/08!
Ok, last but certainly not least... I became friends with this great guy and it turned into a lot more than either of us planned or expected. He talked to me when he was feeling bad about not being able to work it out in his previous relationship and after some days went by we just grew closer and closer and feelings started to develop. Geographically, we are very close in RL, and will be meeting very soon. I am glad we had the friendship going first and everything else that's happened in only the last few days has been wonderful and I hope it just continues on that path.
Ryun... I love you baby <3
Alrighty, will try to keep this more updated and some pics soon to follow!